Monday, July 11, 2011

Why Recommend Things?

I am terrible at keeping up with most technological things. It doesn't matter if it's a text message, e-mail, Twitter, or a blog. I am horrible at responding and cleaning out messages. I also grow bored with them very easily. A while back I started a Twitter account where I would state very obvious and mundane things. I was going to do this for no reason other than to give a few co-workers a laugh. Being myself, I abandoned this task and lost interest quite quickly. A few months later I met a blogger who absolutely annoyed me and I told my friend that this blogger annoyed me so much that I was going to start a blog or a Twitter and list everything that I don't recommend. At the very top of the list would be the blog of said blogger. After stating this I also said that I would then lose interest as I had with my lame attempt at Twitter (I'll also admit that part of my lack of interest with Twitter was partially my inability to keep up with things such as Twitter and another part was my complete lack of understanding the website and how to navigate it). This realization led me to say I would then start a blog where I list all the things I've started and quickly given up for whatever reason. I would include my Twitter account for stating the obvious and listing things I don't recommend along with playing the flute, learning card tricks, keeping up with my e-mail, and straightening up one room of the house each day so on cleaning day it's a fast job to just vacuum, scrub, and sanitize everything.

Instead of going with any of those ideas I'm going to give something else a try. Instead of focusing on the negative side of things I don't like, why not think of one thing each day that I truly like and would like others to enjoy it as well? I'm not going to fool myself into believing this will last, but I'm going to give it a try. One thing that I like/recommend each day (or almost).

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